Simple Dashboard with Tab Slideshow

Sudhindra Rao Sudhindra Rao Follow Dec 07, 2011 · 1 min read
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I had almost forgotten about Tab Slideshow for Firefox but an appropriate application of it jogged my memory. We wanted to show a few build reports on the dashboard and also wanted them to be big and visible. Also the reports do not change as rapidly as the build and can afford to be little delayed (since mostly we are showing long running build results). So we just opened up those reports in a tab each and started ‘Tab Slideshow’. Worked like a charm. We now have the simplest dashboard.

Note: Tab Slideshow for Chrome does not seem to refresh the tabs where as the Firefox version does what is expected.

Sudhindra Rao
Written by Sudhindra Rao Follow
Hi, I am Sudhindra, I like to talk about technology and help people build software at a sustainable pace. If you like what you read here follow me on twitter.